In Genoa, at the town hall of Palazzo Tursi, was presented the third edition of the World Plogging Championship and the calendar of events that will animate the city from September 29th to October 1st, with a preview on September 28th at the Theatre of Campomorone (GE). An innovative sport competition, which combines physical activity with respect for the environment, with the aim of raising awareness among citizens, athletes and children to more careful and less polluting behaviour.
15 nations represented by 100 athletes from all over the world who will run on the paths of Parco delle Mura Saturday, September 30th to prove that it takes little to make places in which we live cleaner. Thanks to a mixed qualification system, through a dozen trail running races in Italy and Europe and a virtual competition open to all, the finalist runners have won a bib valid for the finals of September 30th and now are ready to beat the records of the past edition, when over 1,100 kg of abandoned waste were collected in the Olympic Valleys of Turin 2006.
The program of events will open with a preview, the show “Non c’è un Pianeta B” by Roberto Cavallo with the Quadrilla Folk Band Thursday, September 28th in Campomorone, starting at 9:00 PM.

On Friday, September 29th, at the “Felice Ceravolo” Sport Centerin Lagaccio, will take place the Plogging Child, with the collaboration of the Foundation Compagnia di San Paolo and of the Foundation Edoardo Garrone, an environmental educational project for boys and girls in local schools through plogging. In the afternoon, the arrival in the city of the athletes will mark the start of the third edition of the Championship itself, with the delivery of the race packages and the opening ceremony at Palazzo Ducale at 9.00 PM.
On Saturday, September 30th will be held the finals of the World Plogging Championship, with the departure and the arrival of the athletes in the “Felice Ceravolo” Sports Center in Lagaccio. Throughout the entire day entertainment, games for children and stands will accompany the wait for the arrival of the race, with live connections from the race. Once they reach the finish line, at about 3.30 PM, it will be up to the judges of the race the task of opening all the bags of waste collected by the athletes and sorting them, giving each one a score based on the distance and on the difference in attitude travelled. The quantity and quality of the collected waste will have an important influence on the final result, since their value, transformed into CO2 not emitted into the atmosphere thanks to the recycling of the collected materials, will contribute to the ranking.
On Sunday, October 1st the event will move to Porto Antico, and more precisely at Molo Ponte Embriaco, for the pilot edition of Urban Plogging, in collaboration with the Energy Partner AXPO – a competition through the streets of the city centre that will engage 50 athletes in the collection of urban litter. At the same time, in collaboration with Riviera Sailing Academy, there will be a demonstration of Sea Plogging, in which the waste left at sea will be collected directly from a boat. The morning will end with the awarding ceremony of the World Plogging Championship.